Advent is here! IHM Students participated in an Advent prayer service this week, and will participate in Advent adoration next week. Pope Francis says "Advent increases our hope, a hope which does not disappoint. The Lord never lets us down." Let us keep hope in our hearts this Advent!
Mrs. Binzak and Mrs. Wellnitz wanted to share that the 3K & 4K Family Music Day will be at 10am Thursday January 11th in Marian Hall. Plan ahead to see the cuteness and musical talent!
The IHM Christmas Concert is coming up on Wednesday, December 20th at 6:00 PM for grades K-8. All are welcome to attend!
Faith Formation: Potluck Dinner at Christ the King at 6pm. We will be having 3 different soups: tomato basil, chicken noodle and chili. Dinner will be served by our Mary's Rosary Assemblers group.
Catholic schools provide a firm foundation for your child's growth and development. Pray for a year filled with faith and learning. Let's be a community of service to each other and to our world. On behalf of Father Chad, Father Bill, Father Mark, and the teachers and staff of Immaculate Heart of Mary School, God bless you for choosing Immaculate Heart of Mary School!
Peace & Blessings,
Callie Meiller, Principal
Office Reminders
All IHM library books are due to the IHM library before Christmas vacation.
IHM Illness Policy:
COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 Communicable Disease/Illness
Check your student for symptoms daily before school:
Fever (100° or higher), chills, or shaking chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
New loss of taste or smell
Muscle or body aches
Cough (not due to other known cause, such as chronic cough)
Sore throat, when in combination with other symptoms
Nausea or vomiting, when in combination with other symptoms
Headache, when in combination with other symptoms
Fatigue, when in combination with other symptoms
Nasal congestion or runny nose (not due to other known causes, such as allergies), when in combination with other symptom
*Vomiting and fever may or may not be associated with COVID-19. If your student is experiencing only one of these symptoms, they may return to school once the symptom has resolved after 24 hours without the use of medications.
If one or more of these symptoms are present, please keep the student home. The CDC recommends testing for COVID-19 with a PCR test or rapid antigen test (home test or administered at a pharmacy or clinic). Please contact the school to report illness and absence, and test results.
Please also keep students with these symptoms home:
Fever or chills (without other symptoms): Check temperature with a thermometer. If the temperature is 100 or higher, keep the student home until their temperature remains lower than 100 for at least 24 hours without giving fever-reducing medication such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen.
Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea (without other symptoms) within the last 24 hours. Keep the student home until they tolerate their regular diet and there is no nausea/vomiting/diarrhea for at least 24 hours.
A rash or communicable infection (such as pink eye, strep throat, mono etc.) Keep the student home from school and call your health care provider for further medical evaluation.
Students can return to school when their symptoms have cleared, according to the guidelines above.
Thank You
Many thanks to Kim Genne and Christina Engelhart, for all of their hard work coordinating and fundraising for the 8th grade Washington D.C trip! Every IHM 8th Grader has the opportunity to go to Washington DC with their class, and can fundraise for 3 years starting in 6th grade!
This Friday, DEC 8th is the last day to ensure your order arrives before Christmas. We are selling every Sunday after the IHM mass through December 17th.
Don’t miss out on RaiseRight Dazzle Days Through Dec 8th, including Kwik Trip 9%, KwikTrip Grocery 15%, Starbucks 6.5%, and Burlington 11%.
Lastly, 15 Families have earned enough to pay their $225 EdCo Fee and are starting to earn tuition credits.
Congratulations to the Tumpach, Hebert, Kundert, Munz, Schwinn, Hoelter, Beyler, Matenaer, Meixelsperger, Tomev, Riordan, Eisele, Frias, Laudonio, and Hartung Families,
If you would like to know your earnings for the first 2 quarters, please email [email protected]
Fish Fry Gift Cards!
Looking for a unique gift? $25 gift cards valid for any of our 2024 IHM Fabulous Fish Fries (2/16, 3/1, and 3/15) are available at all in-person RaiseRight sale days.
Next EdCo Meeting: January 9, 2024
EdCo is taking an Advent break and will reconvene at our next monthly meeting at 6 pm on January 9, 2024. See the attached minutes from our November meeting.
Bring your family, meet some friends or bring the whole team to Panera for dinner! Help our 8th graders in their final push to raise funds for their D.C. trip in May! Don’t forget to mention IHM Fundraiser when ordering or use the code: FUND4U online or at the kiosk! Thank you for your support!
IHM Basketball
Friday, December 8
4:30 6th Girls at IHM
5:45 8th Boys at IHM
7:00 8th Boys at IHM
Saturday, December 9
11:30 7th Girls at St. Maria Goretti
1:45 8th Boys at High Point Christian
2:00 6th Boys at Sacred Hearts
Sunday, December 10
1:00 7th Girls at Queen of Peace
2:15 6th Boys at Queen of Peace
3:30 6th Girls at Queen of Peace
Go Eagles!
This week's links (at the bottom of the email)
Grades 6-8 Movie Field Trip Notification
Panera Fundraiser Flyer
11/7 EdCo Agenda and Minutes
This week's hard copies (in your child's backpack)
Nothing this week
Did You Know?
The IHM EdCo buys all of the teachers and staff at IHM School gift cards from Raise Right as a Christmas present? Many thanks from all of us at IHM to our awesome supportive parents!