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Buck & Honey's is catering!
Donations Needed!
*Silent auction donations* (event tickets, gift cards, etc.)
*Vacation getaway*
Email the parish office! |
Welcome to our Pastorate!
Welcome to our newest parish members, Raphael & Jessica Chiapim & daughter Katherine!
Fourth Sunday of Advent Masses:
Saturday, Dec. 23 4pm at St. Patrick Church (STP) 5pm at Christ the King Church (CTK) Sunday, Dec. 24 9am at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church (IHM) The Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord Masses: Sunday, Dec. 24 4pm at IHM & CTK 8pm at STP Monday, Dec. 25 Midnight at IHM 9am at STP & CTK
Sunday, Dec. 31 - The Feast of the Holy Family Masses:
7:30am at IHM
9am at STP & CTK
10:30am at IHM
The Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God Masses:
4pm Sunday, Dec. 31 at CTK
9am Monday, Jan. 1 at IHM
Parish Office Christmas Hours
The parish office will be closed Dec. 25 & 26 and will close at noon Dec. 27-29.
End of Year Pastorate 26 Gift Match!
A parishioner has generously offered to MATCH our Pastorate 26 offertory collection from Dec. 24 through the end of the year up to $75,000! This includes already scheduled online offertory gifts, additional gifts given online, and gifts collected in the offertory basket at Holy Mass from Dec. 24 - Dec 31.
Christian Experience Weekend (CEW)
The Christian Experience Weekend is an opportunity to leave your busy world behind for a couple of days to reflect on your relationship with God and others. Located at St. Ann Catholic Church in Stoughton. Women's weekend: Feb. 16-18, Men's weekend: March 1-3. Details here.
Catholic Herald Subscription
It's time to renew your Catholic Herald newspaper. The cost is $23/year. This is the nominal charge for all who would like a subscription. There are forms in the back of church.
Sign Up!
Save the Dates!
2024 Fish Fries
IHM: Feb. 16, March 1 & 15
St. Patrick: Feb. 23 & March 22
Love Begins Here 2024
Middle School: Beloit 6/17-6/20. High School: Wisconsin Dells 6/9-6/14.
Pastorate 26 Confirmation Mass: Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 7pm at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
Luke House - December
The parishes within our pastorate prepare and serve meals at the Luke House. Food donations and volunteers to serve the food are needed. Sign up here. IHM: Dec. 27.
CTK: Jan. 16 & 29, STP: Jan. 17.
High School Bible Study
For all high schoolers of our pastorate. Jan. 14 & 28 at 7:30pm at St. Patrick.
Jesus and the Eucharist Bible Study
Pastorate 26 will be hosting a Study of the biblical roots of the Eucharist as part of the National Eucharistic revival. The seven-part Study will be held on Mondays, beginning Jan. 15, from 6:30-8:45pm at CTK. No cost. Sign up here today. Contact Sandy Bakk or Chris Speece with questions.
Iconography Workshop
Master Iconographer Drazen Dupor of Madison will guide participants through a step-by-step process of painting the icon of the Scared Heart of Mary. No experience required. Feb 16-18, register today!
Mass Intentions
Monday Dec 25
12:00am-IHM: † Lydia Barlette
9:00am-STP: Intention designated by Celebrant
9:00am-CTK: Intention designated by Celebrant Tuesday Dec 26 7:30am-CTK: Intention designated by Celebrant 8:30am-IHM: † Nancy Provenzano Wednesday Dec 27 7:30am-STP: Intention designated by Celebrant 8:30am-IHM: † Susan Liber Family Thursday Dec 28 7:30am-CTK: Intention designated by Celebrant 8:30am-IHM: Carole Storm Family Friday Dec 29 7:30am-STP: Intention designated by Celebrant 8:30am-IHM: † Jerold Bohman Saturday Dec 30 9am-IHM: † Susan Liber 4pm-STP: Intention designated by Celebrant 5pm-CTK: † Betty Mertens Sunday Dec 31 7:30am-IHM: † Rev. Canon John Pintabone 9am-STP: Intention designated by Celebrant 9am-CTK: Intention designated by Celebrant 10:30am-IHM: Parishioners of Pastorate 26
4pm - CTK: Intention designated by Celebrant
The IHM Sanctuary Lamp for this week is in memory of:
† John Steinmuller |
Give Your “First Fruits” Back to God
To Parish..........5% To Diocese.......1% To Charities......4% |