This Sunday the Church begins her new liturgical year with the season of Advent. In the hustle and bustle of the secular Christmas season, it is an often-overlooked season. It is a time when the Church calls us to enter into the silence and hope of waiting. It can be difficult during this busy time of year to enter into Advent, but a well observed Advent will deepen our joy at Christmas. The powerful liturgical season of Advent invites us to pause in silence to understand a presence. It is an invitation to understand that the individual events of the day are hints that God is giving us, signs of the attention He has for each one of us. Prepare to live this Advent season by entering deeper into prayer and Scripture and dedicate time each day to silence. ![]() |
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Congratulations & God’s blessings to Blake Schwingle who was baptized on November 19, 2023!
We all take things for granted. In particular, we take time for granted. We make our lives too busy. We plan our days, weeks, months, even years in advance. Remember, our time on earth is a gift. None of us know how long we will be here. Start today and begin thanking God for each and every day. Take time in silence, every day, and listen to how God is calling you right now to help build His kingdom on earth.
Welcome to our Pastorate!
Welcome to our newest parish members:
Ben & Carlee Galvin
Emily & Jesse Cruz and their sons, Levi, Elton & Myles
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Friday, Dec. 8 Masses:
STP- 7:30am IHM - 8:30am CTK - 6:00pm The parish office will be closed on Friday, Dec. 8.
Fourth Sunday of Advent Masses:
Sat. Dec. 23 - 4pm at St. Patrick Church (STP) Sat. Dec. 23 - 5pm at Christ the King Church (CTK) Sun. Dec. 24 - 9am at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church (IHM) The Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord Christmas Masses: Sun. Dec. 24 - 4pm at IHM & 4pm at CTK Sun. Dec. 24 - 8pm at STP Mon. Dec. 25 - 12am at IHM Mon. Dec. 25 - 9am at STP & 9am at CTK Mon. Dec. 25 - 10:30am at IHM *Christmas is always a holy day of obligation, even when it falls on a Monday, immediately after the Fourth Sunday of Advent. This means that there are two separate, consecutive obligations to attend Mass: one for the Sunday and one for Christmas. Fulfilling these obligations always require attending two separate Masses. It would be ideal, even though not required, to fulfill the obligations in a way that includes attending the liturgical celebrations proper to each day. A person who does attend Mass twice in a day may receive Communion at both Masses.
Fellowship after Holy Mass is a wonderful way to meet others within our pastorate! Please join us this weekend: CTK - Weekly following the Sunday 9am Mass - Dec. 3 IHM - First weekend monthly following all Masses - Dec. 3 STP - First weekend monthly following the Sunday 9am Mass - Dec. 3
Advent & Christmas High School Bible Study
For all high schoolers of our pastorate. Beginning this Sunday, Dec. 3 at 7:30pm at St. Patrick. All details here.
Jesus and the Eucharist Bible Study
Pastorate 26 will be hosting a Study of the biblical roots of the Eucharist as part of the National Eucharistic revival. The seven-part Study will be held on Mondays, beginning January 15, from 6:30-8:45pm at Christ the King. There is no cost. All materials are provided. All are welcome! Sign up here today. Contact Sandy Bakk or Chris Speece with questions.
Christmas Flowers
Memorial donations for Christmas flowers may be sent to the parish office or placed in the collection basket. Please include the name of those being remembered or honored. Envelopes are located in the back of church. Suggested donation is $25.
St. Anne Bake Sale
St. Anne's of Pastorate 26 will be hosting a Christmas bake sale Dec. 16 & 17 after all Masses. All women of the pastorate are invited to donate items or volunteer to help with the sale. On Sat. Dec 16 join in to make cinnamon rolls and assemble plates of baked treats. See flyer for all details!
St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP)
Angel Tree (IHM)
This year IHM’s SVdP Angel Tree event will be collecting toys for children under age 10 and gift cards. Pick an ornament from the Angel tree located near IHM’s front entry and return your gift by Dec. 3.
Little Drummer Project (CTK)
Christ the King Conference of the SVdP is sponsoring the Little Drummer Gift Project. The project is SVdP's drive that provides Christmas gifts to children from families who cannot afford them. No physical gifts will be collected. Members of CTK Conference will be selling gift cards for Walmart and Target in the parish hall after Masses Dec. 2/3.
McFarland Food Pantry Giving Tree
CTK is participating in the Giving Tree for the families using the McFarland Food Pantry. As families pick up their food, they will be given a gift to share with the family. We will sell gift cards from Kwik Trip, Walmart and/or Pick n Save. Gift cards will be Dec. 2/3 in the hall after Mass. No credit cards, cash or check only.
St. Patrick Giving Tree
Giving tree gifts will be provided to the families of the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton program. Return gifts by Dec 15. Details here.
Christmas with Charles by Avarie Roser
Guiding children through the liturgical calendar with stories and watercolor. More here.
Sign Up!
Upcoming Events
St. Nick Shop
Open Dec. 2 & 3 from 9am-3pm at CTK. The St. Nick Shop allows kids (up to age 18) to shop for their families and friends at an affordable price. Everything in the shop is priced between $1-$4 and can be gift wrapped. Click here for all details. Contact Betsy with questions.
Paint and Sip Event at CTK
Join Barbara Sandlin fundraising for her mission trip to El Salvador with a paint and sip night, you will learn to paint wildflowers. Mon. Dec. 4 at Christ the King at 6pm in the parish hall, cost is $40 per person, all supplies included and drinks available for purchase.
Church Cleaning at CTK
Volunteers will be cleaning the church at CTK on Mon. Dec 4, from 9-11. All interested volunteers are welcome to help shine things up for Christmas. All supplies provided, except for your own gloves.
Faith Formation - for the entire family!
Dec. 6 - Potluck at CTK at 6pm!
St. Patrick Prayer Shawl Ministry
This month's meeting will be Wed. Dec. 6 at 9am in the St. Patrick parish center. New members are always welcome. If you have any questions, please contact Margaret Rose, 608-289-5376 or Gail Polzin, 608-219-2072.
Pancake Breakfast - CTK
Christ the King Men’s Club is hosting an all you can eat pancake and sausage breakfast on Sun., Dec. 10, 8am-12pm. Details here.
Middle School Christmas Caroling
6-8th graders are invited to meet at St. Patrick on Dec. 10 at 3pm to go Christmas Caroling! Click here for details and to sign up.
Cancer Support Group - STP
Dec. 11 at 6pm at St. Patrick's. The group is led by Peggy Weber. For more info, contact Marnie Harrington by email or phone at 608-221-1521.
Luke House - December
The parishes within our pastorate prepare and serve meals at the Luke House. Food donations and volunteers to serve the food are needed. Sign up here. CTK: Dec. 19, STP: Dec. 20, IHM: Dec 27.
Iconography Workshop
Master Iconographer Drazen Dupor of Madison will guide participants through a step-by-step process of painting the icon of the Scared Heart of Mary. No experience required. Feb 16-18, register today!
Mass Intentions
Monday Dec 4
7:30am-STP: † Rosemary (Coyle) Ament Tuesday Dec 5 7:30am-CTK: Intention designated by Celebrant 8:30am-IHM: † Anderson and Saeman Families Wednesday Dec 6 7:30am-STP: Intention designated by Celebrant 8:30am-IHM: † Jerold Bohman Thursday Dec 7 7:30am-CTK: † Joan Schoepp 8:30am-IHM: † Dorothy Arndt Friday Dec 8 7:30am-STP: Intention designated by Celebrant 8:30am-IHM: † Saeman and Anderson Families
6:00pm-CTK: Parishioners of Pastorate 26
Saturday Dec 9 9am-IHM: Intention designated by Celebrant 4pm-STP: Intention designated by Celebrant 5pm-CTK: Intention designated by Celebrant Sunday Dec 10 7:30am-IHM: † Dave Showers 9am-STP: Intention designated by Celebrant 9am-CTK: † Roy Crasper 10:30am-IHM: Parishioners of Pastorate 26
The IHM Sanctuary Lamp for this week is in memory of:
† Gary & Rich Hardy |
Give Your “First Fruits” Back to God
To Parish..........5% To Diocese.......1% To Charities......4% |